Re: [xep-support] Fonts

From: Alexei Gagarinov <>
Date: Mon Nov 15 2004 - 08:19:44 PST

Hello Michael,

I suppose that the fonts are not found by XEP.

SM> <font-group xml:base="file:/path/To/Fonts/fonts" label="Conduit"
embed="true" subset="true">

xml:base should point to the directory where your fonts are located (i.e.

( I took notice that your excerpt from font xep.xml file is copy/paste from
the Michael Sylyaev's answer ("Re: fonts in v4"). But the following line
from that post:
should be read as:
xml:base="<path_to_your_fonts_directory>". )

If the problem persists, could you do the following:
run your FO from command line and send the diagnostics directly to
(you are launching XEP from some application, am I right?)

With best regards,
  Alexei Gagarinov

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fritsch, Michael" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 2:01 PM
Subject: [xep-support] Fonts

i'm just evaluating XEP 4.0 and have a problem with my ttf-Fonts. I got
the following error message:

java.lang.RuntimeException: com.renderx.fonts.BadFontDataException:
Could not obtain font metric for font family 'Handbuchlight'

In XEP 2.78 i used the following lines in fonts.xml which worked well
with the fonts located in the afm directory:

 <font name="Handbuchlight"
     <alias name="Conduit"/>
     <alias name="Conduit-Roman"/>
     <alias name="Conduit-Light"/>

    <font name="Handbuchlightitalic"
     <alias name="Conduit-Italic"/>

   <font name="Handbuchbold"
     <alias name="Conduit-Bold"/>

   <font name="Handbuchbolditalic"
     <alias name="Conduit-BoldItalic"/>

In XEP 4.0 I moved the ttf-files to a fonts subdirectory and used the
following lines in xep.xml:

<font-group xml:base="file:/path/To/Fonts/fonts" label="Conduit"
        <font-family name="Handbuchlight">
                <font-data ttf="Conduit_Light.ttf"/>
            <font style="italic">
                <font-data ttf="Conduit_LightItalic.ttf"/>
            <font weight="bold">
                <font-data ttf="Conduit_Bold.ttf"/>
            <font style="italic" weight="bold">
                <font-data ttf="Conduit_LightItalic.ttf"/>
        <font-alias name="Conduit" value="Handbuchlight"/>
        <font-alias name="Conduit-Roman" value="Handbuchlight"/>
        <font-alias name="Conduit-Light" value="Handbuchlight"/>
        <font-alias name="Conduit-Italic" value="Handbuchlightitalic"/>
        <font-alias name="Conduit-Bold" value="Handbuchbold"/>
        <font-alias name="Conduit-BoldItalic"

What went wrong?
Best regards,
Michael Fritsch

Dr. Michael Fritsch
Technical Editor
tel +49.40.325587.214
fax +49.40.325587.999
Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 18
20459 Hamburg, Germany
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