[xep-support] Arabic-range numbers

From: Reynolds-Gregg (Reynolds-Gregg@norc.org)
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 07:55:25 PDT

  • Next message: Chen, Cindy \(C\)\(STP\): "RE: [xep-support] overflow properly as "hidden""

    Hi list,

    I understand XEP supports the minimum requirements for the "format"
    property so I won't be able to get Middle Eastern-style Arabic numerals
    for my page numbers. But it seems like there must be a workaround of
    some kind. Can I write some kind of xsl expression that will retrieve a
    number value and use it to index into a list of chars to typeset? I'd
    hack at it myself but I'm a little pressed for time at the moment and I
    have an Arabic document to deliver to a picky client, and having Arabic
    arabic numerals would be a big win. Any workaround suggestions?



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