Re: [xep-support] floats and the block to wich they belong

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Fri Oct 01 2004 - 06:34:15 PDT

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    Hello Peter,

    The 'clear' property is what you are looking for. If you set it to
    'both' (or 'left'/'right' - depends on your float placement)
    on every fo:block that wraps normal text and float you will get
    the desired effect. It will looks like this:

    <fo:block clear="both">
      <fo:float float="left" clear="both">
        <fo:block-container width="100pt">
            Float text block1 Float text block1
            Float text block1 Float text block1
      Normal text block 1
      Normal text block 1
      Normal text block 1

    <fo:block clear="both">
      <fo:float float="left" clear="both">
        <fo:block-container width="100pt">
            Float text block2 Float text block2
            Float text block2 Float text block2
      Normal text block 2
      Normal text block 2
      Normal text block 2

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    PK> Hello all,

    PK> I have a question about floats.
    PK> We are using side floats to highlight certain terms.
    PK> Those floats belong to a certain block of text.
    PK> The problem arises when the float is larger than the block it belongs to.
    PK> The float texts flows along the next block of text which can also contain a
    PK> float.
    PK> How can I force a blank line after the block with the first float to avoid
    PK> the float flowing through the next block.
    PK> What I mean is this is what happens now:
    PK> Float text block1 Normal text block 1,normal text block 1,
    PK> float text block1 normal text block 1,normal text block 1,
    PK> float text block1 normal text block 1,normal text block 1.
    PK> float text block1 Normal text block 2,normal text block 2,
    PK> float text block1 normal text block 2,normal text block 2,
    PK> Float text block2 normal text block 2,normal text block 2.

    PK> And this is what I would like to happen:
    PK> Float text block1 Normal text block 1,normal text block 1,
    PK> float text block1 normal text block 1,normal text block 1,
    PK> float text block1 normal text block 1,normal text block 1.
    PK> float text block1
    PK> float text block1
    PK> Float text block2 Normal text block 2,normal text block 2,
    PK> normal text block 2,normal text block 2,
    PK> normal text block 2,normal text block 2.

    PK> This is the XML I am using for the sample:
    PK> <block>
    PK> <float>Float text block1 float text block1 float text block1 float text
    PK> block1 float text block1</float>
    PK> <text>Normal text block 1,normal text block 1, normal text block 1,normal
    PK> text block 1, normal text block 1,normal text block 1.</text>
    PK> </block>
    PK> <block>
    PK> <float>Float text block2 </float>
    PK> <text>Normal text block 2,normal text block 2, normal text block 2,normal
    PK> text block 2, normal text block 2,normal text block 2. </text>
    PK> </block>

    PK> This is the template I use for that part:
    PK> <xsl:template match="block">
    PK> <fo:block>
    PK> <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
    PK> </fo:block>
    PK> </xsl:template>

    PK> <xsl:template match="text">
    PK> <fo:block>
    PK> <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>

    PK> </fo:block>
    PK> </xsl:template>

    PK> <xsl:template match="float">
    PK> <fo:float float="outside" start-indent="0mm" end-indent="0mm"
    PK> <fo:block-container width="20mm">
    PK> <fo:block text-align="left">
    PK> <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
    PK> </fo:block>
    PK> </fo:block-container>
    PK> </fo:float>
    PK> </xsl:template>

    PK> What do I have to use to force the blank lines between the to blocks?

    PK> Thanx in advance,

    PK> Peter

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