From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Fri Sep 10 2004 - 01:21:14 PDT
Hello Paul,
Keywords are stored in a single field inside PDF metadata and
Acrobat cannot show more than 255 characters of such field.
Let me cite "PDF Reference Third Edition":
9.2, "Metadata"
103. Acrobat viewers display the document's metadata in the Document Properties
dialog box and impose a limit of 255 bytes on any string representing
one of those values.
That's why you can see only a part of the keywords list. When XEP
produces PostScript output it truncates metadata fields up to 255
characters and adds '...' at the end. This caused by the PostScript
limitation for single-line strings. In PDF output XEP writes a full
metadata content, but overall effect is the same because of Acrobat
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
PAH> Hello,
PAH> I have a (DocBook) document which contains quite a few 'keyword'
PAH> elements. The current DocBook XSL stylesheets collect the text values
PAH> in these elements, and insert them as a comma-separated list into an
PAH> 'rx:meta-field name="keywords"' element. No surprises so far.
PAH> In this particular document, there are about twenty keywords. When I
PAH> open the "Document Properties" window on the PDF using Acrobat 6.0.2,
PAH> I get a comma-separated list in the "Keywords" text area, but the list
PAH> is truncated and trails off with "...". There is a scroll bar on the
PAH> right hand side of the text area, but it is not active---this last
PAH> observation makes me wonder whether XEP is inserting a giant
PAH> comma-separated list into a single PDF "keyword" field, when, in fact,
PAH> it should be inserting each keyword into separate fields. I do not
PAH> know whether this is the case, though---I just don't know enough about
PAH> the PDF format itself.
PAH> If the PDF format does allow this, it would seem appropriate to allow
PAH> multiple 'rx:meta-field name="keywords"' elements, and have each
PAH> provide a single keyword for the PDF. (Currently, XEP seems to ignore
PAH> all but the last.) The DocBook XSL stylesheets would need about two
PAH> lines of code altered to conform to this behaviour. If the PDF format
PAH> _doesn't_ allow for this, I wonder why that text field has a scroll
PAH> bar. :-)
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