[xep-support] <fo:block-container absolute-position="absolute" left="168.429mm" top="81.5mm">filters-blend-01-b

From: Michael W. Rosa (m.rosa@jea.nl)
Date: Wed Jul 21 2004 - 07:10:21 PDT

  • Next message: Donald Figer: "[xep-support] I cannot get <?xep-postscript-page-device /Duplex true ?> to work for postscript"

    We are currently evaluating XEP to see if it matches our needs and make a prove of concept.
    One of the things which is a must for the project I'm working on is SVG support for filters and then blend:multiply.
    This is a mutch used effect in the printing industry. To be more specific we need to be able to create PDF files which have a 2 layers over eachother with the multiply filter. Is there any chance this might be implemented any time soon?
    Here is a piece of the fo to show what I mean.
    <fo:block-container absolute-position="absolute" left="168.429mm" top="81.5mm">
       <svg:svg width="108.641mm" height="108.642mm">
         <svg:filter id="Multiply">
          <svg:feBlend mode="multiply" in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" />
         <svg:image x="0" y="0" width="108.641mm" height="108.641mm" xlink:href="images/RB ZWOLLE.jpg" />
         <svg:rect id="blauwvlak" width="68.88mm" height="108.641mm" fill="#00A2E5" style="filter:url(#Multiply);"/>

    The JPG is show with a partial rectangle over it whcich is blue and the JPG is visible through that layer with multiply (Also see Illustrator/Photoshop)
    Michael Rosa
    Joh. Enschedé Amsterdam

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