Re: [xep-support] TIFF graphics causing an OutOfMemoryError

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Tue Jul 13 2004 - 05:46:30 PDT

  • Next message: uwe.goersch@LHSYSTEMS.COM: "AW: [xep-support] TIFF graphics causing an OutOfMemoryError"

    Dear Mr. Goersch,

    Please check your Java memory settings first. XEP's capability of
    handling large input files greatly depends on Java VM settings for
    heap size. If you don't modify the original scripts (xep.bat/,
    the upper limit for memory available to Java is set to 64MB. Setting a
    larger value (via -Xmx/-Xms parameters in the call to Java machine)
    may improve the situation.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    ugLC> Dear RenderX Team,

    ugLC> I try to generate PDF from FO using XEP Versions 3.8.1 and 3.7.4. An OutOfMemoryError occurs as soon as I include more than one of the three TIFF graphics in the FO file (Exception in thread
    ugLC> "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError). Shall I give you the FO file and the three graphics off-list?

    ugLC> Best regards

    ugLC> Uwe Goersch

    ugLC> Uwe Görsch
    ugLC> Consultant

    ugLC> Lufthansa Systems Business Solutions GmbH
    ugLC> HAM AM/D
    ugLC> Sportallee 54 a
    ugLC> 22335 Hamburg
    ugLC> Germany

    ugLC> Tel +49 40 5070 1938
    ugLC> Fax +49 40 5070 4611

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