[xep-support] XEP 3.7.7: Treatment of width="100%"

From: Werner Donné (werner.donne@re.be)
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 06:53:21 PDT

  • Next message: Victor Mote: "[xep-support] from-parent()"


    The attached small example consists of three nested tables with borders
    and margins. The width of the table elements is set to "100%". Because
    everything is specified in the same way onf the left and right side I
    would expect the same visual effect on both sides. On the right side,
    however, the borders are all on top of each other. When I remove the
    width properties the result is as expected.

    I don't see why there is a difference. The width properties map to
    inline-progression-dimension in this case and because the containing
    block hasn't specified the width property, the percentage value should
    be treated as "auto".



    Werner Donné  --  Re BVBA
    Engelbeekstraat 8
    B-3300 Tienen
    tel: (+32) 486 425803	e-mail: werner.donne@re.be

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