Re: [xep-support] Differences in transformation to postscript and PDF

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 06:22:58 PDT

  • Next message: Victor Mote: "RE: [xep-support] linefeed normalization"

    Hello Egbert,

    In order to make any suggestions we need more information about the
    problem. Could you please send us (at XSL-FO
    document that produces described effect along with PDF and PostScript
    produced from it.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    EKwn> Hi,

    EKwn> I use XEP with VB6 to transform XMLFO to PDF and PostScript. I use the following code:

    EKwn> Public Function Transform2PS(ByVal pstrXMLFO As String) As Byte()
    EKwn> '##BD This function takes an XML FO document as input and transforms this to a stream in ps format.
    EKwn> '##PD pstrXMLFO Valid XML FO Document to be transformed.
    EKwn> '##RD Returns binary data containing PostScript document

    EKwn> Dim oXepTransformer As XEPLib.IXEPFormatter
    EKwn> Dim strDiag As String
    EKwn> On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    EKwn> 'Create Object
    EKwn> Set oXepTransformer = CreateObject("XEP.XEPFormatter")
    EKwn> 'Set output type
    EKwn> oXepTransformer.setOutputFormat "PostScript"
    EKwn> 'Transform the XML-FO
    EKwn> Transform2PS = oXepTransformer.render(pstrXMLFO)
    EKwn> 'Log diagnostic
    EKwn> strDiag = oXepTransformer.getDiagnostic
    EKwn> If (strDiag <> "") And mblnTracing Then
    EKwn> 'Log the event to the event log
    EKwn> Call App.LogEvent(TypeName(Me) & ", Logging Diagnostics: " & strDiag, vbLogEventTypeInformation)
    EKwn> End If

    EKwn> Set oXepTransformer = Nothing
    EKwn> Exit Function
    EKwn> ErrorHandler:
    EKwn> Set oXepTransformer = Nothing
    EKwn> Err.Raise Err.Number, "Transform2PS Function", _
    EKwn> Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
    EKwn> End Function

    EKwn> Public Function Transform2PDF(ByVal pstrXMLFO As String) As Byte()
    EKwn> '##BD This function takes an XML FO document as input and transforms this to a stream in pdf format.
    EKwn> '##PD pstrXMLFO Valid XML FO Document to be transformed.
    EKwn> '##RD Returns binary data containing pdf document
    EKwn> On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    EKwn> Dim strDiag As String
    EKwn> Dim oXepTransformer As XEPLib.IXEPFormatter
    EKwn> On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    EKwn> 'Create the object
    EKwn> Set oXepTransformer = CreateObject("XEP.XEPFormatter")
    EKwn> 'Set the output type
    EKwn> oXepTransformer.setOutputFormat "PDF"
    EKwn> Transform2PDF = oXepTransformer.render(pstrXMLFO)
    EKwn> 'Log diagnostic
    EKwn> strDiag = oXepTransformer.getDiagnostic
    EKwn> If (strDiag <> "") And mblnTracing Then
    EKwn> 'Log to the event log
    EKwn> Call App.LogEvent(TypeName(Me) & ", Logging Diagnostics: " & strDiag, vbLogEventTypeInformation)
    EKwn> End If
    EKwn> Set oXepTransformer = Nothing
    EKwn> Exit Function
    EKwn> ErrorHandler:
    EKwn> Set oXepTransformer = Nothing
    EKwn> Err.Raise Err.Number, "Transform2PDF Function", _
    EKwn> Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
    EKwn> End Function

    EKwn> I need to print text under a logo of my company. The text is outlined in the region-before section with a table (we use cm for spacing). If I transform the XMLFO to PDF then the text is
    EKwn> outlined as I wanted. If the transformation is done to Postscript then the text is shift upward (5mm) en more to the left (2mm).

    EKwn> We use Postscript to print directly from server to the printer and PDF to show the letter to the user. The user can decide to print of not.

    EKwn> We have installed XEP 3.7.3.
    EKwn> How can we solve this problem?

    EKwn> Use different XSL-FO's is no option.

    EKwn> Met vriendelijke groet,

    EKwn> Egbert Kluft

    EKwn> Winterthur Verzekeringen
    EKwn> Egbert Kluft, Teamleider Systeem Ontwikkeling Leven
    EKwn> Prinses Irenestraat 33, P.O. Box 83000
    EKwn> 1080 AA Amsterdam
    EKwn> Phone +31 (0)20 5 411 785
    EKwn> Fax +31 (0)20 6 428 428

    EKwn> -------------------
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