RE: [xep-support] Trying to make a leader fill a table cell

From: DESEYNE Jacques (
Date: Fri Mar 19 2004 - 07:50:09 PST

  • Next message: Tom: "[xep-support] Determine when a block wraps"

    Hello Richard,

    One way is to specify the attribute:


    on the block containing the leader, e.g.:

    <fo:table-cell padding="1mm">
    <fo:block font-size="8pt" font-family="sans-serif" text-align-last="justify">POSIZIONE:<fo:inline
    <fo:leader leader-pattern="dots"
    rule-style="solid" rule-thickness="0.5pt" />
    <fo:table-cell padding="1mm">
    <fo:block font-size="8pt" font-family="sans-serif" text-align="left">Ecco la qua!</fo:block>

    Having some reference materials at hand can save you a lot of searching and experimenting. I have found 'Definitive XSL-FO' by G.
    Ken Holman (ISBN 0-13-140374-5) very useful in explaining and documenting the different uses of XSL-FO objects.

    Best regards,

    Jacques Deseyne
    >-----Original Message-----
    >[] On Behalf Of Rose, Richard
    >Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 3:46 PM
    >Subject: [xep-support] Trying to make a leader fill a table cell
    >I'm trying to make a leader after a word extend to the outer limit of a
    >table cell using leader-length.maximum with either mm or % 
    >values however
    >the leader only extends for about 10mm. Can you help?
    >A snippet of the code is below;
    ><fo:table table-layout="fixed" border="0.5pt solid black">
    ><fo:table-column column-width="33mm" />
    ><fo:table-column column-width="61mm" />
    ><fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2" padding="1mm">
    ><fo:block font-size="8pt" font-family="humanist">POSIZIONE:<fo:inline
    ><fo:leader leader-length.maximum="100%" leader-pattern="dots"
    >rule-style="solid" rule-thickness="0.5pt" />
    >:D richard rose
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