Re: [xep-support] Ant Task ClassCastException

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Wed Apr 23 2003 - 06:58:29 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re[2]: [xep-support] Does XEP support Chinese characters?"

    Hello Kevin,

    Just add XEPTask.jar to the Ant CLASSPATH and the problem will gone.
    I mean CLASSPATH of the environment where Ant is being executed.
    By the way, in XEP Ant Task documentation it is stated as a first step
    of configuration. :-)

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    KR> I get a java.lang.ClassCastException when trying to use the ant task. I
    KR> have tried multiple variations on the classpaths, with no luck. FYI- I
    KR> am a moderately experienced ANT user, so it seems to me that my paths
    KR> are correct. I have no source to the task, and there is no stack trace,
    KR> so I can't possibly have a clue what is wrong.
    KR> The complaint is on the call to <xep>
    KR> I am using:
    KR> XEP331
    KR> xep3ant100
    KR> Apache Ant version 1.5.1 compiled on October 2 2002
    KR> JDK 1.4.1
    KR> Any thoughts are appreciated,
    KR> Kevin Ross
    KR> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    KR> <!DOCTYPE project SYSTEM "">
    KR> <project name="jacobson" basedir="."
    KR> default="printWarehouseWorksheetSummary">
    KR> <property name="date" value=""/>
    KR> <property environment="env"/>
    KR> <property name="home.xep" value="${env.XEP_HOME}"/>
    KR> <property name="home.jacobson" value="${env.JACOBSON_HOME}"/>
    KR> <property name="dir.print" value="${home.jacobson}/bin/print"/>
    KR> <property name="print.xml" value="${dir.print}/input.xml"/>
    KR> <property name="print.pdf" value="${dir.print}/output.pdf"/>
    KR> <property name="print.xsl"
    KR> value="${home.jacobson}/templates/batch/batchRouteAndPick.xsl"/>
    KR> <path id="xep-classpath">
    KR> <fileset dir="${home.xep}/lib">
    KR> <include name="*.jar"/>
    KR> </fileset>
    KR> </path>
    KR> <taskdef name="xep" classname="com.renderx.ant.XEPTask"
    KR> classpathref="xep-classpath"/>
    KR> <!--
    KR> <taskdef name="xep" classname="com.renderx.ant.XEPTask"
    KR> classpath="${home.xep}/lib/XEPTask.jar"/>
    KR> -->
    KR> <target name="init">
    KR> <tstamp/>
    KR> <delete file="${print.xml}"/>
    KR> <delete file="${print.pdf}"/>
    KR> <mkdir dir="${dir.print}"/>
    KR> </target>
    KR> <target name="transform-only">
    KR> <echo message="Creating ${print.pdf}..."/>
    KR> <xep in="${print.xml}" out="${print.pdf}"
    KR> style="${print.xsl}" format="PDF">
    KR> <classpath refid="xep-classpath"/>
    KR> <sysproperty key="com.renderx.xep.ROOT"
    KR> value="${home.xep}"/>
    KR> <sysproperty key="com.renderx.xep.VALIDATE"
    KR> </xep>
    KR> <echo message="Done creating pdf."/>
    KR> </target>
    KR> </project>
    KR> -------------------
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