[xep-support] Rendering of non-hyphenated chapter titles

From: Bernd Kuemmerlen (bkuemmer@gmx.net)
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 04:23:03 PST

  • Next message: David Tolpin: "Re: [xep-support] Rendering of non-hyphenated chapter titles"

    Hello there,

    we have a problem with non-hyphenated chapter titles: When a title
    (large font) gets longer than the available width, XEP puts the last
    word on the next line but introduces so much spacing between the words
    that the second-to-last word is not rendered at all (at least thats how
    it looks).

    I tried to distill an example which shows this behaviour: This is taken
    from an fo-file generated with Norman Walsh's docbook xsl stylesheets
    with some small customizations. The Chapter title here is "Changing
    Application Preferences". When rendered with XEP, I get

    |-----------page width--------------------|
      Chapter 7: Changing

    i.e. the word "Application" is not shown at all
    In contrast, FOP gives this result:

    |-----------page width--------------------|
      Chapter 7: Changing Application

    When I allow hyphenation, XEP gives

    |-----------page width--------------------|
      Chapter 7: Changing Application Prefer-

    which is more acceptable, but I want to avoid hyphenation in titles.
    This seems to me like a bug in XEP...


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