[xep-support] Avoiding multiple image copies in PS

From: Chris Broecker (Broecker.C@edincc.co.uk)
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 09:24:30 PST

  • Next message: David Tolpin: "Re: [xep-support] Avoiding multiple image copies in PS"

    Dear Support Team,

    I am rendering a document that contains two graphics in fo:static-content
    elements. Here is an example for the 'end' region, another graphic is in the
    'after' region.

    <fo:page-sequence master-reference="master">
    <fo:static-content flow-name="master-end">
    <fo:block-container end-indent="10.0mm" space-before="0pt" font-size="10pt"
    absolute-position="fixed" top="13.5mm" bottom="0mm" left="154mm">
    <fo:block padding-after="4mm">
    <fo:external-graphic src="url(file:///C:/path/logo.jpg)"
    content-height="12mm" content-width="70mm" />

    When I render to PostScript, every page in the output contains the
    compressed image data, which come to 100K for both images combined. As the
    document has 29 pages, the resulting PostScript is about 3 MB, of which 2.9
    MB are simply the logos.

    Since only two distinct images are present, it should somehow be possible to
    create a PS file that is just about 200K in size (100K for the images and
    100K for the actual textual content) - this is quite significant for my
    application as I have many of these documents and they need to be
    transmitted over a network.

    Do you know of any way to remove the multiple occurence of the same image
    file in the PS generated by XEP?

    I am using XEP version 2.7.

    Any help with this is greatly appreciated.


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