[xep-support] page-number manipulation

From: PIERRES@hthk.com
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 22:56:12 PST

  • Next message: David Tolpin: "Re: [xep-support] New User - Will this layout work?"


    I had a question previously posted to xsl-list and the answer I got was to
    use extension features.
    So I want to have your advices about any solution of my problem using XEP.

    I need to print some horizontal bar on left edge of every pages of a bill
    statement which is used to be read by folding machine.
    The folding machine will use these bars to detect some information for the
    folding processing. (e.g. page sequence, account sequence)
    Then the machine will fold the pages for one account into an envelope.

    For each account, I need to specify a page sequence no. for each page.
    There are four bars, they have values 1, 2, 4 and 8, I can print, and the
    total of their values should equal to the page sequence no.
    The page sequence no. start from 1 for page 1 to 15 for page 15, then reset
    to 1 for page 16 etc.

    The problem is that I will not know the page no. when writing XSL-FO and no
    calculation can be performed on the element <fo:page-number>.

    How could you do in this case. I'm so appreciated if anyone can give some
    advices to me.

    Pierre So
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