[xep-support] [INFO] Ant task for XEP

From: Daniel S. Haischt (daniel.haischt@daniel-s-haischt.biz)
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 05:56:57 PST

  • Next message: Tang Hong - Developer: "[xep-support] How to preserve the tab characters"


    i've sent 'Lena Chever' (a RenderX employee) in october 2002 an
    ant task for XEP.

    she promissed to forward it to the technical department.

    did you (the technical department) ever get that ant task?

    the XEP ant task processes a directory recursively by searching
    for FO files. if a FO file will be found, it will be transformed
    into PDF/PS. the PDF/PS file can be outputed to some output directory.
    finally the directory structure containing the FO files will be preserved.
    that means the directory structure of the output dir will be equivalent
    to that of the input directory.

    i saw on the mailing list that you are interested in an ant task
    similar to that i have wrote. please reply to this mail if you are
    still interested in such a task.

    With best regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen

    Daniel S. Haischt IT Consulting
    [revolutionary and alpha geek]

    Daniel S. Haischt
    Grabenstrasse 11
    D-71083 Herrenberg
    G E R M A N Y

    FON: +49 -7032-992909
              +49 -700-DHAISCHT
    FAX: +49 -7032-992910
    CELLULAR: +49 -172-7668936

    email: daniel.haischt@daniel-s-haischt.biz
    web: http://www.daniel-s-haischt.biz

    Version: 3.12
    GCS dx s:- a- C++ UB++++ P+++ L++++ E W+++ N+++ o-- K- w---
    O++ M++ V- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP++ t+++ 5+ X+++ R+ tv++ b+++ DI+ D+++
    G e++ h-- r+ y+++++
    ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

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