Re: [xep-support] Center tables horizontally

From: David Tolpin (
Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 23:30:39 PST

  • Next message: Nikolai Grigoriev: "Re: [xep-support] Center tables horizontally"

    > With previous versions of XEP (2.78) I used the following code to centre tables horizontally
    > across a page:
    > <xsl:attribute name="start-indent">(323 - <xsl:value-of select="$totalcolwidth"/>)div 2</xsl:attribute>
    > I pick up the columns values of each column within <colspec>, take the total colwidth and
    > divide it by 2 and use the code to offset it from the left so that it centers across the page.
    > However, with the 3.2 version, I get the following warning: "{?Bad attribute start-indent: Attribute type mismatch: start-indent cannot have value '161.5' of type Real number}"


    lengths must have units. The previous version was relaxed in this respect (unitless lengths were treated as points),
    the current version has been made more demanding (in accordance with the specification) to implement more functionality.

    Just specify units.


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