[xep-support] Re: BOUNCE xep-support@www.renderx.com: Non-member submission from ["Sperberg, Roger" <roger.sperberg@aspenpublishers.com>]

From: David Tolpin (dvd@renderx.com)
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 08:56:04 PST

> I have been working with Datalogics Pager, switching back and forth between
> PDF output and Postscript output. I've discovered that it is a great pain
> not to have a vector graphic format that is acceptable in both Pager output
> modes.
> >From my experience I would strongly request you really expedite SVG for XEP
> or make it possible for the Postscript output mode to accept pdf graphics
> (which is probably no less work than getting SVG in).
> Just my two cents.


if you need both PDF and Postscript output format and EPS included into
pages, then the best and the right approach is to generate Postscript
and then convert it to PDF using Adobe Distiller or Ghostscript.

Many of our users are following this approach.

David Tolpin
PS And yes, we are working on SVG support.
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